Portunus petreus

(Alcock, 1899)

Carapace moderately broad (breadth about 1.5-1.6 times length); surface with widely spaced granular areas being separated by regions with a dense pubescence; regions well recognizable; front with 4 lobes, medians much lower than laterals; antero-lateral borders with 9 teeth, last one much the longest, directed outwards; postero-lateral junction rounded. Antero-external angle of merus of third maxillipeds markedly produced into a lobe. Chelipeds stout; merus with 2 spines at posterior border, anterior border with 4 spines; carpus with 2 spines of which the inner is enormously long, two-thirds palm length; upper surface of palm with 1 distal spine, lower surface with squamiform markings. Posterior border of merus of swimming leg serrated and bearing a few spines; dactyl without a red spot. Penultimate segment of male abdomen not markedly convex on outer border. (Türkay 1995)

Postero-lateral junction of carapace rounded; antero-external angle of merus of third maxilliped strongly produced laterally; last antero-lateral tooth distinctly larger than other teeth; carapace relatively broad; no dark spots on either dactyl or propodus of fifth leg; arm of cheliped with 2 spines on posterior border; inner wrist spine enormous, two-thirds as long as palm. (Davie 1999)

Type locality: north of Laccadive Islands, India.
Range: Madagascar - banc de Pracel (Crosnier, 1962), north-west and south-west (Crosnier & Thomassin, 1974); Providence Islands (Rathbun, 1911); Cargados Carajos Islands (Rathbun, 1911); Laccadive Islands (Alcock, 1899a); Japan - Kii Minabe and Yoron-jima (Sakai, 1976a); shallow waters.