Portunus nipponensis

(Sakai, 1938)

Carapace broad (breadth about 2 times length); surface naked, with distant granules on anterior and lateral surfaces, finer granules on posterior and postero-lateral surfaces; regions well recognizable; 4 transverse granular ridges on the gastric regions, epibranchial ridges long and distinct; front with 4 subequal teeth; antero-lateral borders with 9 teeth, last one very large and projecting sideways; postero-lateral junction elevated and with a spine; pterygostomial region with a long stridulating organ composed of 22-26 striae and reaching from the level of the second antero-lateral tooth to that of the last. Antero-external angle of merus of third maxillipeds markedly produced into a lobe. Chelipeds heavy and asymmetrical; merus with 1 spine at posterior border, anterior border with 3 spines; carpus with 2 spines; upper surface of palm with 1 distal spine. Posterior border of swimming leg with the usual fringing hairs. (Türkay 1995)

Postero-lateral junction of carapace angular or spinous; front distinctly 4-toothed or 4-lobed; posterior border of arm of cheliped with single spine; pterygostomial striae forming stridulating apparatus (ridges on under surface of carapace parallel to and near antero-lateral border). (Davie 1999)

Type locality: Nanki Shirahama, Japan.
Range: Réunion (Crosnier & Thomassin, 1974); Japan - Nanki Shirahama (Sakai, 1938a, 1939), Nanki Shirahama, Kii Nagashima, Kii Minabe, and Shimogusui (Sakai, 1976a), Satono, Wakayama (Miyake, 1983); Borneo (Serène, 1971); Indonesia - Tajaude and Banda Islands (Stephenson, 1972a); Tuamotu Archipelago - Mururoa (Poupin, 1996a); 15-130 m.