(Sakai, 1969)
Carapace oblong, almost 1.2 times as long as broad, dorsal surface smooth and glabrous; front with 3 obtuse teeth, median tooth smaller than laterals; antero-lateral borders with 4 teeth, first the longest; postero-lateral borders much longer than antero-laterals. Basal joint of antenna short but still longer than broad and freely movable; flagellum moderately long, situated in a narrow orbital hiatus. Chelipeds rather robust; merus short and prismatic; carpus quadrate in outline, armed with a tooth at the inner angle; propodus high, movable finger long and slender, strongly curved inward in its distal half. Swimming leg strongly pubescent. (Türkay 1995)
Carapace subquadrilateral, maximum width between last antero-lateral teeth, antero-lateral and postero-lateral borders distinctly separated; median frontal lobe bifid (notched); merus of third maxilliped about as broad as long; fingers of cheliped as long as, or longer than, palm. Male abdomen widely triangular. (Davie 1999)
Type locality: Izu Nii-jima, Japan.
Range: Japan - Izu Nii-jima (Sakai, 1969, 1976).