Caphyra yookadai

Sakai, 1933

Carapace with convex central area smooth and shining, margins microscopically granular; epibranchial ridges very distinct, mesogastrics faint in female, distinct in male; front with 4 lobes, median notch distinct, the pair of lobes on either side almost confluent; 4 blunt antero-lateral lobes, sometimes reduced to 3 or even 2. Chelipeds short and granular; merus undentate on anterior border, lower border smooth; carpus with 2 carinae, one V-shaped, the other straight, internal spine blunt; palm with 2 longitudinal carinae on upper surface and 2 on the anterior, these last ones can be reduced. Fifth pair of legs curved back dorsally over the carapace; dactyl much shorter than propodus (0.57 times). (Türkay 1995)

Fifth pair of legs turned back dorsally over carapace; front bilobed, sinous; carapace not circular in outline and not markedly convex; 4 antero-lateral teeth; propodus of fourth ambulatory leg elongate, length more than three times breadth; hand of cheliped with 2 parallel carinae. (Davie 1999)

Type locality: Suzaki, Shimoda, Japan.
Range: Japan - Shimoda (Sakai, 1933a, 1935), Shimoda and Shiono-misaki (Sakai, 1939), Shimoda and Nanki Shirahama (Sakai, 1976a), Shiono-misaki (Miyake, 1983); Australia - Moreton Bay (Stephenson & Campbell, 1960, Stephenson, 1961), Woody Head, N.S.W. (Stephenson & Rees, 1968); shallow waters.