Catoptrus nitidus

A. Milne Edwards, 1870

Carapace 1.6 times as broad as long, surface smooth; front bilobate, median incision clear but not deep; antero-lateral borders with 6 subequal teeth. Antero-external angle of third maxilliped not strongly produced, basically rounded. Chelipeds slightly heterochelous, long and heavy, glabrous, no large teeth and granules. Pereiopods 2-5 slender, fifth pereiopod not modified for swimming. Last segment of male abdomen longer than broad. (Türkay 1995)

Carapace very convex in all directions, breadth to length ratio c. 1.6; antero-lateral region with coarse granules; fourth antero-lateral tooth very small; ultimate segment of male abdomen longer than broad; male first pleopod with acute tip. (Davie 1999)

Type locality: Samoa.
Range: Madagascar - Nosy Bé (Crosnier, 1962); Mauritius (Alcock, 1900b, Bouvier, 1915b); Coëtivy Islands; Sri Lanka (Alcock, 1900b); Japan - Shimoda (Sakai, 1939), Shimoda, Tosa Bay and Yoron-jima (Sakai, 1976a), Amami-Oshima (Takeda & Shimazaki, 1974), Kushimoto (Miyake, 1983); South China Sea - Paracel Islands (Chen, 1975, Yang et al., 1979), Paracel Islands and Hainan Island (Dai & Yang, 1991); Palau; Indonesia - Noordwachter Island (de Man, 1888d), south of Halmahera and north of Waigeo Island (Tesch, 1918b), Java and Ambon; Australia - Low Island, Queensland; Solomon Islands - Honiala, Guadalcanal Island (Takeda & Nunomura, 1976); Marshall Islands; Kiribati; Tuvalu; Fiji (Ortmann, 1894a); Samoa (A. Milne Edwards, 1870, Alcock, 1900b, Stephenson, 1976); Hawaiian Islands; Tuamotu Archipelago; intertidal to 145 m.