Phalangipus hystrix

(Miers, 1886)

Carapace elongate pyriform in the immature specimens, but it is almost globular in full-grown specimens, owing to the convexity of the hepatic regions. The dorsal surface is thickly covered with a coat of very fine tomentum. There are four prominent spines in the median line, two of which are gastric, one cardiac and the other intestinal, the last one projecting somewhat horizontally backwards. On either side of the anterior gastric spine is a small spine. The hepatic region armed with a spine, branchial region with seven spines, four of which are placed on the lateral margin (the last one being deviated on the dorsal surface), one on the epibranchial region, and the other two are small and placed near the inner surface. The preocular spine prominent and the postocular cup very broad. The pseudorostral spines are proximally fused together, and their distal half divergent, each having an accessory spinule on the upper inner border near the distal end. Basal segment of antenna has two teeth, one at the distal end and the other near the base of the outer border. There is a prominent spine on the pterygostomial region and a small spine at the antero-external angle of the buccal cavern.
Chelipeds and ambulatory legs are very long and slender, each segment being cylindrical and the merus armed with a terminal spine on the upper border. In the full-grown male, the chelipeds are far longer than any of the ambulatory legs but in immature male as well as in the female, they are shorter than the 1st ambulatory legs, which are extremely elongate with dactylus very long. (Sakai, 1938: 268)

Type locality: Ambon, Maluku, Indonesia, 180 m.
Range: Red Sea - Eylath (Griffin, 1973a), Gulf of Aqaba and southern Massawa Channel (Griffin & Tranter, 1974); East Arabian Sea (Griffin, 1973a, 1974); Sri Lanka (Alcock, 1895a, Griffin, 1973a); Andaman Sea (Alcock, 1895a, Griffin, 1973a, 1974); Japan - Suruga Bay, Bungo Strait, Tsushima Strait, between Iki and Shimonoseki, and Nagato (Yokoya, 1933), Shimoda (Sakai, 1935), Tokyo Bay, Sagami Bay, Izu Peninsula, Ise Bay, Kii Peninsula, Nagasaki and Amakusa (Sakai, 1938a), Sagami Bay (Sakai, 1965b, Griffin, 1973a), north off Tsushima and Genkai-nada (Takeda, 1973c), Sagami Bay, Shimoda, Wagu, Kii Nagashima, Kaino, Kushimoto, Kii Minabe, Tosa Bay, and Nagasaki (Sakai, 1976a), Tanabe Bay (Miyake, 1983); East China Sea (Takeda & Miyake, 1969e); Taiwan; China - Hainan Island (Dai & Yang, 1991); Nansha Islands (Yang & Dai, 1994); Philippines - between Samar and Leyte, Manila Bay to Lingayen Gulf, and east Palawan (Griffin, 1973a), Manila Bay to Lingayen Gulf, east Palawan, and between Samar and Leyte (Griffin, 1976), north of Lubang Island and south of Manila Bay (Serène & Vadon, 1981); Borneo - off coast of Sarawak (Griffin, 1974); Indonesia - Ambon (Miers, 1886), Java Sea, off north coast of Borneo, Tg Ratoe Mackoor, Walir island, Ambon Bay, and Kepulauan Kai (Griffin, 1973a), Timor, Ambon, Seram, Tanimbar, Kepulauan Kai and Aru (Griffin & Tranter, 1986a); north-western Australia - Rottnest Island, Bluff Point, Dongara, Dirk Hartog Island, Carnarvon, between Shark Bay and Onslow, Point Cloates, North West Cape, and Barrow Island (Griffin, 1973a); 36-180 m.