Leucosia sagamiensis

Sakai, 1961

A small species with its front short and robust, without any postorbital constriction. The carapace is broader than long. The antero-lateral border, which is shorter than the postero-lateral one, has two obtuse, lobular projections. Behind the anterior lobe, which is median in position, the thoracic sinus is deeply marked. The other lobe is situated at the lateral angle and is outlined with small studded tubercles. Just behind this lateral angle, the lateral border is also lined with such tubercles, which are covered with short black hairs. There is a shallow notch between this hairy border and the true postero-lateral border, which is about 1.2 times as long as the hairy border, and is rapidly converging posteriorly. There are no distinct ocelli or coloured markings on the carapace, the colour being brownish blue with indistinct pale stripes. The anterior end of the exognath of the external maxillipeds is somewhat bulbous, but it is not so remarkable as in Lissomorpha haswelli Sard, which is perhaps most akin to this species.
The chelipeds are rather short and robust. The arm is compressed and bears on its anterior border about ten studded tubercles, of which the two or three median ones are very large; its proximal upper surface is marked with a cluster of six or seven small tubercles arranged in two rows, between which the surface is thickly covered with a short black tomentum. The posterior border is beset with about 11 or 12 studded tubercles. The outer and inner borders of the palm are cristate, each crest being indistinctly tuberculated. An extensive hiatus is left between the fingers near the proximal portion. The ambulatory legs are compressed; the merus of each pair has a series of indistinct tubercles along the anterior border and its posterior border is cristate; the anterior border of the carpus and both borders of the propodus are cristate. (Sakai, 1976)

Type locality: coast of Hayama, Sagami Bay, Japan, 30 m.
Range: Japan - Sagami Bay and coast of Shimabara Peninsula (Sakai, 1961), Sagami Bay, Osaka Bay, and coast of Shimabara Peninsula (Sakai, 1965b, 1976), Shiono-misaki (Takeda, 1979a), Kushimoto (Miyake, 1983); 30-50 m.