Heteronucia laminata

(Doflein, 1904)

The body is thickly covered with velvet-like tomentum, so that it appears as if it were covered with a soft membrane. The carapace is subglobose, a little longer than broad and the postero-lateral borders are slightly convergent. Its upper surface beneath the tomentum is uniformly covered with distant granules. The intestinal region is circumferenced by smooth grooves around it; the cardiac region is also defined laterally by the same grooves. The front not at all prominent and is obtusely bilobate, the median sinus being very shallow.
The hepatic regions are convex, never forming a hepatic facet on either side of the carapace as in its congeners. The posterior border is obtusely and broadly bilobate. The infraorbital lobe is distinct and not fused with the anterior extremity of the pterygostomial region, which is deeply cleft as usual. The anterior boundary of the buccal cavern is more produced beyond the level of the anterior boundaries of the pterygostomial regions than in any of its congeners, but it cannot be seen in dorsal view beyond the front. The chelipeds are proportionally short, each segment is thickly covered with granules as on the upper surface of the carapace. The palm is proximally swollen and somewhat globular, the dactyli are very slender and longer than palm, their cutting edges are obscurely denticulated. The ambulatory legs have each segment subcylindrical and sparingly granulated; in the last pairs, however, the posterior border of merus, carpus and propodus is expanded to form a lamina. The dactylus in all pairs is straight and with hairs.
Abdomen of female covered with granules as in the carapace; all the terga except the telson are immovably fused but the first three terga are plainly distinct. (Sakai, 1937)

Type locality: Nias Island, west of Sumatra, Indonesia.
Range: west of Sumatra - Nias Island (Doflein, 1904); Japan - Manazuru (Sakai, 1937a), Sagami Bay and Tosa Bay (Sakai, 1965b, 1976), Kumano-nada (Miyake, 1983); Taiwan - Tungkang, P'ing-tung County (Ng & Huang, 1997); South China Sea; Philippines - north of Lubang Island (Serène & Vadon, 1981), north of Lubang, south of Manila Bay, Mompog Pass, west of Semirara Islands and east of Cebu (Chen H., 1989); 85-100 m.