Ebalia nudipes

Sakai, 1963

The entire body is naked, lacking hairs and tomentum even on the thoracic legs; the carapace is thickly covered with microscopic granules but it appears almost smooth to the naked eye. The general outline of the carapace may hardly be distinguished from that of Ebalia jordani, but the tubercle found near the middle of the branchial region is elongate and oblique in the new species, whereas it is composed of a cluster of four tubercles in E. jordani. The front is obtuse, only slightly marked with a median sinus, while in E. jordani it is clearly bilobed.
The chelipeds and ambulatory legs are generally the same as in the Hawaiian species.
The terminal segment of the male abdomen is more elongate compared with that of E. jordani. The first male pleopod is the best character for distinguishing the two species, the tip being thin and rather broad in the new species, whereas it is rather pointed and bifurcate in E. jordani. (Sakai, 1963)

Type locality: off Mimase, Tosa Bay, Japan, 100-150 m.
Range: Japan - Iro-zaki (Yokoya, 1933), Tosa Bay (Sakai, 1963, 1976); 100-187 m.