Ethusa indica

Alcock, 1894

Large species, carapace length up to 16 mm. Carapace longer than broad, its surface with scattered groups of granules; exorbital teeth directed antero-laterally, their tips overreaching those of frontal teeth; front quadridentate. Male adult chelipeds unequal, fingers of large chelae with teeth. Second and third pereiopods naked. (Türkay 1995)

Type locality: Andaman Sea.
Range: Laccadive Sea (Alcock, 1896); Maldives (Alcock, 1896); India - Ganges Delta (Alcock, 1896); Sri Lanka (Alcock, 1896); Andaman Sea (Alcock, 1896); Japan - Sagami Bay, off Mikawa and Tosa Bay (Sakai, 1965b), Sagami Bay, off Mikawa Bay, Kii Nagashima, and Tosa Bay (Sakai, 1976a), Suruga Bay (Takeda, 1997); East China Sea (Chen H., 1986c); South China Sea (Serène & Lohavanijaya, 1973); Philippines - west and east of Lubang Island, Verde Island Passage, Balayan Bay, north off San Jose, south of Bondoc Peninsula, and south of Tayabas Bay (Chen H., 1986); Indonesia - north of Bali, Flores and Sumbawa (Ihle, 1916), Makassar Strait (Chen H., 1993a), Kepulauan Kai and Tanimbar (Chen H., 1997); New Caledonia (Chen H., 1993a); 21-1315 m.