Umalia ovalis

(Henderson, 1888)

Carapace relatively broad, the breadth being more than 3/4 the total length, its surface closely and finely granular; distance between external orbital angles much less than half carapace breadth; five fronto-orbital teeth; antero-lateral teeth strong, erect and triangular, clearly larger than exorbital teeth. Eyes normally developed, cornea as broad as eyestalk.
Dactylus of fourth pereiopod sickle-shaped, its distal border broadly rounded. (Türkay 1995)

Type locality: Kepulauan Kai, Indonesia, 256 m.
Range: Japan - Iro-zaki, Suruga Bay, Tanabe, and Mikuni (Yokoya, 1933); Indonesia - Kepulauan Kai (Henderson, 1888).