Genus Scutumara

Ng & Nakasone, 1993

Carapace elongate, slightly longer than broad, surfaces very smooth, glabrous, regions not defined; epigastric cristae poorly developed or absent; front well produced, antero-lateral margin convex, trilobed; postero-lateral margins gently concave, distinctly converging. Antennules fold obliquely in large fossae. Posterior margin of epistome with three distinct lateral ridges; endostome with three strong palatal ridges. Third maxilliped merus broader than long, antero-lateral angle strongly produced, auriculiform. Outer surfaces of chela with low but distinct subventral ridge, extending from near proximal edge of palm to just before tip of pollex. Closed fingers without proximal gape. (Ng & Nakasone, 1993)

Type species: Scutumara enodis Ng & Nakasone, 1993, by original designation.

Species treated:
Scutumara enodis Ng & Nakasone, 1993