Genus Pseudocryptochirus

Hiro, 1938

Carapace vase-shaped, longer than broad, widest posterior to midlength, convex in lateral view, not deflected anteriorly, lacking depression: mesogastric region very slightly inflated. Cardio-intestinal region not outlined by depression. Pterygostomial region not fused to carapace. Epistome with parallel lateral ridges, anterior margin sinuous with shallow, narrow median indentation. Lateral lobe of antennule quadrangular, extending beyond eyestalk. Antennal segment 2 shorter than broad, distal margin lacking lateral spine. Third maxilliped with exopod; merus without distolateral projection, mesial margin with setae. Inner surface of second segment of Endopod of second maxilliped lacking setae at distal margin. Endopod of first maxilliped triangular, widest near distal margin; latter concave. Ventral thorax about as long as wide, flat. Anterior extension of sternite of P1 with few granules. Sternite of P4 with partial suture. Female gonopore oval, with anterior hood. P1 cutting edges entire. P2 merus with distomesial projection; propodus thick. P3, P4 coxae with well-developed anterior lobes. P5 dactylus not rotated anteriorly. Pl 3 of female uniramous. Male with slender P1; abdomen length 1.4 times width, segment 3 widest, lateral margins concave. Pl 1 slightly curved laterally, apex sharply pointed, lateral and mesial margins with long pappose setae at midlength. (Kropp, 1990)

Type species: Pseudocryptochirus viridis Hiro, 1938, by monotypy.
Gender masculine.

Species treated:
Pseudocryptochirus viridis Hiro, 1938