Genus Hexapinus

Manning & Holthuis, 1981

Eyes very small, cornea subglobular. Third maxilliped with broad ischium and merus, inner margin of ischium concave proximally, straight or convex distally, carpus, propodus and dactylus slender, cylindrical, dactylus longer than propodus; exopod with flagellum. Ambulatory legs short, stout, merus of longest pair shorter than carapace. Male pleopods stout, sinuous but not strongly angled distally, apices concealed under abdomen or scarcely visible next to seventh segment. Male abdomen with third to fifth segments fused, terminal segment rounded apically, smooth laterally. Female abdomen with 7 free segments. (Türkay 1995)

Type species: Hexapus latipes de Haan, 1835.

Species treated:
Hexapinus latipes (de Haan, 1835)