Subfamilia Galeninae

A. Milne Edwards, 1862

Carapace nearly quadrilateral in outline, strongly convex fore and aft, little convex from side to side. Surface with the regions not very marked, smooth or a little granular in parts. Antero-lateral border moderately arched, indistinctly four-lobed. Fronto-orbital border less than half the greatest width of the carapace. Front obliquely deflexed, bilobed or quadridentate. Antennules folded nearly transversely. Basal antennal article broad, extremely short, not nearly reaching the front. No endostomial ridges. Chelipeds unequal and massive in large males; fingers pointed.
Abdomen with all segments distinct. (Guinot 1998)

Genus treated:
genus Galene de Haan, 1833