Genus Gaillardiellus

Guinot, 1976

Carapace moderately broadened, lobulate. Regions of the carapace separated by shallow, largely open furrows; outer surface furnished with large granules, hardly compacted and having at their base some short, rigid setae. Antero-lateral margin with four or only three distinct lobes. Basal antennal article very short; only the fourth antennal article being included in the orbital hiatus. Chelipeds equal or subequal in males. Ambulatory legs not compressed and with granules similar to those on the carapace and never nodular. Thoracic sternum wide, with the sternal suture 3/4 marked by a transverse granular line continued from one lateral margin to the other; sternite 4 with a longitudinal furrow which is concealed by the telson; median groove present on sternites 6, 7 and 8. First male pleopod ornamented with long plumose subdistal setae; terminal lobe long. (Guinot 1998)

Type species: Actaea rueppelli (Krauss, 1843).

Species treated:
Gaillardiellus bocki (Odhner, 1925)
Gaillardiellus lobipes (Odhner, 1925)
Gaillardiellus orientalis (Odhner, 1925)
Gaillardiellus rueppelli (Krauss, 1843)