Genus Entomonyx

Miers, 1884

Carapace very broad, posteriorly very expanded. Dorsal surface convex, regions more or less elevated and thickly tuberculated. Margins with developed spines: hepatic margin with spines; branchial margin with at least two, sometimes four, extremely long blunt-tipped spines; posterior margin with two spines. Rostrum slightly deflexed or horizontal, with two short horns. Orbits complete and tubular, their roof formed by strongly expanded supraocular eave, intercalated spine and postocular cup, and their floor formed by postocular cup and broader basal antennal article. Intercalated spine present. Chelipeds rather robust; articles smooth. Ambulatory legs relatively long, unarmed, diminishing in length posteriorly. (Guinot 1998)

Type species: Entomonyx spinosus Miers, 1884, by monotypy.

Species treated:
Entomonyx depressus Sakai, 1974
Entomonyx spinosus Miers, 1884