Genus Cyclax

Dana, 1851

Eyestalks short or at least not more than half length exposed in dorsal view; flagellum of antenna excluded from orbit by a process of the basal antennal article; orbit open ventrally, basal antennal article widely separated from postorbital lobe; postorbital lobe excavate or `cupped' anteriorly, the cornea of retracted eye protected; preorbital angle of eave armed with a blunt tubercle; carapace suborbicular; rostrum exceedingly short, an eighth to a twentieth postrostral carapace length; postorbital lobe with a prominent accessory spine on upper anterior edge near base. (Davie 1996)

Type species: Cyclax perryi Dana, 1851, by monotypy.

Species treated:
Cyclax spinicinctus Heller, 1861
Cyclax suborbicularis (Stimpson, 1857)