Genus Pisoides

H. Milne Edwards & Lucas, 1843

Carapace much longer than wide, vertically or broadly pyriform in outline. Dorsal surface tuberculated; hepatic region conical or not very swollen; branchial region with erect tubercles or with epibranchial process at the lateral angle. Postero-lateral angles not armed with tooth or prolongation. Rostrum very short, with the horns somewhat horizontal or deflexed, basally fused; the tips being separated by a more or less marked median slit. Preocular tooth distinct. No intercalated spine in the upper orbital hiatus. Antero-lateral angles of buccal cavity rounded, smooth. Pterygostomial margin with 2-3 tubercles. Chelipeds short, composed of rather robust articles; propodus rather massive; fingers elongate and slender. Abdomen with all segments distinct in both sexes. G1 simple and produced to a narrow apex laterally, or scyriform. (Guinot 1998)

Type species: Pisoides tuberculatus H. Milne Edwards & Lucas, 1843 = Hyas edwardsi Bell, 1835, by monotypy.

Species treated:
Pisoides bidentatus (A. Milne Edwards, 1873)
Pisoides ortmanni (Balss, 1924)