Genus Scyra

Dana, 1851

Carapace very broadened posteriorly, subpyriform. Dorsal surface lumpy, tuberculated but not spinose. Rostral spines very broad, thin and flattened, horizontal, fused in basal length, distally separated and tapering rapidly to a sharp apex. Orbits small. Postocular cup and hepatic tooth continuous with crest. No intercalated spine between supraocular eave and postocular cup. Presence of a preorbital spine on the eave, which is separated from postocular cup by a narrow slit. Basal antennal article moderately broad, subrectangular. Chelipeds robust; merus and carpus cristate; fingers acute. Ambulatory legs moderately long, subcylindrical, cristate. Abdomen with all segments distinct in both sexes. (Guinot 1998)

Type species: Scyra acutifrons Dana, 1851, by monotypy.

Species treated:
Scyra compressipes Stimpson, 1857