Genus Rochinia

A. Milne Edwards, 1875

Carapace pyriform to elongate triangular, surface with tubercles, spines and/or flattened plates. Rostrum varying in length, rarely single, usually of two distinct spines, sometimes contiguous. Orbit above comprising an eave and postorbital lobe separated by a U-shaped hiatus (rarely adjacent). Supraorbital eave weakly expanded with a preorbital spine or a flattened plate, no antorbital lobe. Postorbital lobe hardly excavate, sometimes with a flattened plate which is adjacent or fused to another flattened plate on hepatic region. Eyestalk short, eyes retractile against postorbital lobe. Basal antennal article narrow to moderately broad, distally truncate or with a small antero-lateral tooth, lateral margin otherwise entire; article separated from postorbital lobe by a narrow U-shaped hiatus. Cheliped of adult male usually enlarged, palm compressed, merus sometimes carinate. First pair of ambulatory legs longest. Abdomen of seven distinct segments in both sexes. First pleopod of male pisiform. (Griffin & Tranter, 1986)

Type species: Rochinia gracilipes A. Milne Edwards, 1875, by monotypy.

Species treated:
Rochinia debilis Rathbun, 1932
Rochinia pulchra (Miers, 1886)
Rochinia sagamiensis (Gordon, 1931)