Genus Xeinostoma

Stebbing, 1920

Carapace subcircular, with 1 distinct tubercle at lateral borders. Front prominent, broadly rounded. Eyestalks movable, transversally oriented. Exopod of third Maxilliped without flagellum. Propodus and dactylus of the 2nd and 3rd pereiopods with two lines of long setae on their ventral and dorso-external faces, respectively. Male abdomen with 5, female with 6 segments (plus telson). Female with uniramous vestigial 1st pleopod. (Türkay 1995)

Type species: Xeinostoma eucheir Stebbing, 1920, by monotypy.

Species included:
Xeinostoma eucheir Stebbing, 1920
Xeinostoma richeri Tavares, 1993
Xeinostoma sakaii Tavares, 1993