Genus Orthotheres

Sakai, 1969

Small symbiotic crabs, usually living as commensals. Carapace of the female appreciably broader than long, subrectangular or transversely elliptical. Dorsal surface with regions poorly defined. Front deflexed. Third maxillipeds obliquely placed; with ischium and merus indistinguishably fused; palpus with three articles inserted end to end; carpus longer than propodus and dactylus together; dactylus very small, about twice as long as wide. Ambulatory legs: P2-P4 generally subequal in length; P5 always more slender than the preceeding ones; dactyli of all pairs uniformly short and sharply hooked at tip. (Guinot 1998)

Type species: Orthotheres turboe Sakai, 1969, by original designation.

Species treated:
Orthotheres turboe Sakai, 1969