Genus Dairoides

Stebbing, 1920

Carapace subpentagonal or hexagonal in outline; the dorsal surface covered with convex perforated and vesicular lobules, corresponding to fused mushroom-like tabulate ornaments. On dorsal and ventral surfaces of the carapace several large eroded grooves, through which the inner layer of the tegument is visible; the most important being the crescentic pair more or less corresponding to a gastro-branchial groove. Antero- and postero-lateral borders armed with few denticles; at the junction of antero- and postero-lateral borders a stout denticulated process. Posterior border marked laterally. Rostrum tridentate, produced vertically, invaginated on either side, communicating with the antennular fossa. Orbits subcircular. Eyestalks short, thick, subglobular. Basal article of antenna very short, the flagellum not filling up the orbital hiatus. Endostomial ridges complete. Third maxillipeds: anterior margin of merus not notched. Chelipeds greatly unequal in both sexes, finger tips pointed, bluntly in the large cheliped, acutely in the smaller. Ambulatory legs slender; P1-P5 articles (dactyl excepted) with numerous acuminate spines. Male abdomen with all segments distinct. (Guinot 1998)

Type species: Dairoides margaritus Stebbing, 1920, by monotypy.

Species treated:
Dairoides kusei (Sakai, 1938)