Genus Majella

Ortmann, 1893

Carapace triangular-pyriform. Dorsal surface covered either with prominent spinules or with rounded tubercles of various sizes, and furnished with hairs. Margins of the carapace armed with numerous sharp spines. Rostral spines with outer margin armed with one or 2-3 accessory spinules. Supraocular eave very thick, serrated-spinulated and haired. Antorbital spine sharp. Intercalated spine distinct. Postorbital spine very strong, serrated and hairy. Eyestalks slender; cornea elongate, more ventral than terminal. Antennae: flagellum arising from within the orbit. Third maxillipeds with merus produced at external angle. Chelipeds small and with the articles prismatic; carpus and propodus very short and spinulated; fingers slender; dactyli bent towards the fixed fingers. Ambulatory legs rather short and somewhat depressed, thickly covered with a velvety tomentum, unarmed except for three tubercles on merus of P5. (Guinot 1998)

Type species: Majella brevipes Ortmann, 1893, by monotypy.

Species treated:
Majella brevipes Ortmann, 1893