Genus Cycloes

de Haan, 1837

Carapace subcircular, with a small denticle at the junction of antero-lateral and postero-lateral borders, otherwise no teeth at lateral borders, no clypeiform expansions concealing the four pairs of ambulatory legs. Merus of external maxillipeds not elongate or acute, never concealing the flagellum repose. Chelipeds exactly fitting in front of the pterygostomial and buccal regions, large cheliped in front of small, dactylus of latter with a long, curved basal tooth fitting into a cup-like depression of the fixed finger. Ambulatory legs gressorial. (Türkay 1995)

Type species: Cycloes granulosa de Haan, 1837, by monotypy.
Gender feminine.

Species treated:
Cycloes granulosa de Haan, 1837