Genus Conchoecetes

Stimpson, 1858

Carapace as wide as long, or slightly wider than long, flattened, subpentagonal, surface granular with a tomentum of fine setae. Rostrum tridentate, lateral teeth well developed. Female sternal grooves end apart between or behind the first pair of walking legs. Epipods present on chelipeds which are well developed. First two pairs of legs shorter, dactyli armed with 20-30 tiny spines. Third leg shorter and stouter, dactyl large and talon-like, used for carrying a bivalve shell. Fourth leg shortest, segments flattened. Abdomen of six free segments, uropod plates well developed and visible externally. (Türkay 1995; Davie 1996)

Type species: Dromia artificiosa Fabricius, 1798, by monotypy.

Species included:
Conchoecetes andamanicus Alcock, 1900
Conchoecetes artificiosus (Fabricius, 1798)
Conchoecetes intermedius Lewinsohn, 1984
Conchoecetes mutus (Linnaeus, 1758)