Conchoecetes artificiosus

(Fabricius, 1798)

Antero-lateral margin of carapace with two teeth. Whole body surface with an evenly spread tomentum. Chelipeds heavy, cutting edges of fingers with large teeth, upper face of palm with distinctly rounded tubercles. Dactyl of fourth pereiopod hook shaped, rather strong. Dactyl of fifth pereiopod minute. (Türkay 1995)

Type locality: Indian Ocean.
Range: South Africa - Zululand (Stebbing, 1910, 1920), off Tugela River (Barnard, 1950); Madagascar - Nosy Bé (Guinot & Tavares, 2000); Persian Gulf (Nobili, 1906c); Pakistan - Indus Delta (Alcock, 1900a), Karachi (Alcock, 1901, Tirmizi & Kazmi, 1991); India - between Tuticorin and Hooghly Delta (Alcock, 1900a), Hugli River, Madras and Orissa coast (Alcock, 1901), mouth of Hooghly River (Chopra, 1934); Sri Lanka (Laurie, 1906); Andaman Islands - (Alcock, 1900a), Port Blair (Alcock, 1901); Japan - Odawara (Sakai, 1935a), Sagami Bay, Onomichi and Nagasaki (Sakai, 1936), Amakusa, Sea of Ariake and Tsuyazaki (Miyake et al., 1962), Sagami Bay (Sakai, 1965b), Sagami Bay, Mikawa Bay, Kii Minabe, Onomichi, and Nagasaki (Sakai, 1976a), Amakusa (Yamaguchi et al., 1976), Yamagata Prefecture (Suzuki S., 1979), Onomichi and Mimase, Tosa Bay (Muraoka, 1998); East China Sea (Takeda & Miyake, 1972c); Taiwan; China - Guangdong and adjacent regions, Zhejiang (Dai & Yang, 1991); Hong Kong (Stimpson, 1858d, 1907, Alcock, 1900a); Thailand (Rathbun, 1910a); Singapore (Tirmizi & Kazmi, 1991); Australia - Moreton Bay (Campbell & Stephenson, 1970); 30-100 m.