Genus Homalodromia

Miers, 1884

Carapace longer than wide, flattened, but rising steeply at front, little convex behind, smooth but remarkably tomentose. Rostrum bidentate, no median tooth, two prominent lobes, each of which is broadly bifid. Female sternal grooves end apart on tubular prominences, nearly in contact at their bases, just behind chelipeds. Chelipeds without an epipod, or podobranch, little more massive than first two pairs of legs. None of those limbs verrucose or dilated. First two pairs of legs without podobranchs. Inner margins of dactyli of first two pairs of legs armed with several small spines. Last two pairs of legs very unequal. Third pair of leg shortest. Fourth pair almost as long as either of first two pairs, no spine on outer margin of fourth leg dactyl. Abdomen of six free segments. Uropod plates well developed, visible externally, used in male abdominal locking mechanism. (Türkay 1995; Davie 1996)

Type species: Homalodromia coppingeri Miers, 1884, by monotypy.

Species treated:
Homalodromia coppingeri Miers, 1884