Genus Frodromia

McLay, 1993

Carapace longer than wide, convex, covered with small granules hidden under a short fine tomentum. Lateral borders of carapace sub-parallel, grannulated. Rostrum tridentate, teeth acute. Female sternal grooves end apart on prominent tubercles behind chelipeds. Cheliped with epipod, granulated. First two pairs of legs without adornment, inner margins of dactyli armed with up to ten small spines. Last two pairs of legs much smaller than first two pairs. Abdomen of six free segments. Uropod plates well developed, visible externally in male (concealed in female) used in the abdominal locking mechanism. (Türkay 1995)

Type species: Petalomera atypica Sakai, 1936, by McLay's designation in 1993.

Species treated:
Frodromia atypica (Sakai, 1936)
Frodromia reticulata (Sakai, 1974)