Frodromia atypica

(Sakai, 1936)

Carapace granulate, longer than wide; frontal, lateral cardiac and branchial grooves only faintly marked; antero-lateral borders granulated, no larger teeth. Rostrum tridentate, all teeth acute, lateral teeth overreaching median one. Palm of cheliped tuberculate, tubercles larger along dorsal margin, finger deflexed. Dactyli of second and third pereiopods curved, as long as respective propodi, inner margins armed with 9-10 small spines; Dactylus of fourth pereiopod opposed by a single propodal spine, that of fifth pereiopod opposed by two propodal spines. Telson of male abdomen wider than long, its posterior margin rounded. (Türkay 1995)

Type locality: between Ito and Hatsushima, west of Sagami Bay, Japan, 50 m.
Range: Japan -Sagami Bay (Sakai, 1936c, 1976a); Indonesia -Kepulauan Kai (McLay, 1993); New Caledonia (McLay, 1993); Loyalty Islands (McLay, 1993); 50-437 m.