Pinnotheres villosulus

Guérin-Méneville, 1831

It is characteristic in having the carapace, chelipeds and ambulatory legs clothed with a thick woolly tomentum. The carapace is rather well calcified and almost flattened for its posterior 2/3 of the dorsal surface, with the gastric and cardiac regions faintly demarcated. The lateral margins of the carapace are rigid; the antero-lateral margin is widely divergent toward the more or less angulated median part; the lateral angle of the carapace is also weakly produced; the postero-lateral margin is only weakly convergent and shallowly concave in the middle. (Takeda, 1989)

Type locality: Timor, Indonesia.
Range: Japan - Kakeroma-jima near Amami-Oshima (Takeda, 1989); Philippines - Ubay and Zamboanga (Bürger, 1895); Palau (Takeda & Shimazaki, 1974); Indonesia - Kepulauan Kai (Tesch, 1918b), Timor (Guérin-Méneville, 1831, Lucas, 1840, H. Milne Edwards, 1853), Enoe Island (Gordon, 1934); Torres Straits (Miers, 1886); Australia - Sydney (Miers, 1886), Cape Jaubert (Rathbun, 1924c), northern coast (McNeill, 1927), Bouccant Bay.