Trachycarcinus ovalis

(Anderson, 1896)

Surface of carapace with numerous short hairs arranged around surface tubercles, moderately areolated, covered with spines and spinules of various sizes, and multifid granulated tubercles; lateral borders armed with composite spinulated spines; rostral spines subequal, slender and acute, their tips simple. Chelipeds homochelous in females, shorter than subsequent ambulatory legs, males unknown; upper faces of palm and carpus spinose. Second to fifth pereiopods with a row of spines on upper borders of meri carpi and propodi, terminal meral spine strong and very obvious. (Türkay 1995)

Type locality: south-west of Sri Lanka, 6°50'20"N, 79°36'20"E, "Investigator", stn 204, 324-391m.
Range: Sri Lanka (Alcock & Anderson, 1896, Alcock, 1899a, c); Andaman Islands (MacGilchrist, 1905); Burma - Cape Negrais (MacGilchrist, 1905); ? Japan - off Mikawa (Sakai, 1965c), off Mikawa Bay and Tosa Bay (Sakai, 1976a), Kumano-nada (Miyake, 1983), Suruga Bay (Takeda, 1997); Philippines - east of Lubang Island (Serène & Vadon, 1981); Indonesia - Makassar Strait (Guinot, 1989b); 100-600 m.