Halicarcinus hondai

(Takeda & Miyake, 1971)

Carapace suboval, clearly broader than long; lateral walls of carapace with one tooth at posterior lateral angle; rostrum only very obscurely trilobate, lateral lobes very inconspicuous, median lobe very long and narrow, its length between a third to a fourth carapace width, terminally with one or more long setae, concavities between rostral lobes nearly not existent. Chelipeds in both sexes stouter than ambulatory legs, in females less so, but slightly shorter than subsequent legs. Second to fifth pereiopods relatively stout, with stout terminal tooth on dorsal edge of meri; dactyli curved, proximally undentate, distally with a row of teeth decreasing in size. Male abdomen with segments III and IV fused. (Türkay 1995)

Type locality: Omonawa, Tokuno-shima, Amamai-shoto, Japan.
Range: Japan - Tokuno-shima, Amami-shoto (Takeda & Miyake, 1971); Taiwan; Australia - Magnetic Island and Townsville, Queensland (Lucas, 1980).