Oxypleurodon velutinus

(Miers, 1886)

The carapace is subpyriform with its dorsal surface convex and ornamented by several spines and prominences. Three prominences (one gastric, one cardiac, one intestinal) are situated on the median longitudinal line; the cardiac is swollen much the largest and rounded on the summit, the gastric very feeble, the intestinal well developed and thickly rounded and partly flattened on the tip. The hepatic and epibranchial spines are large and respectively flattened on the tip and on the lateral sides. The branchial region has two other pairs of submedian conical tubercles, one pair situated posteriorly to the gastric and the other posteriorly to the cardiac. At a small distance from the true posterior border of the carapace and on each side runs a rim, marked by a submedian small tubercle and outside by a small wing. In lateral or ventral view the lateral side of the carapace is ornamented in the branchial region by a sinuous ear-like plate and in the pterygostomial region (below the hepatic spine) by a smaller but similar structure. The hepatic spine, the postocular and preocular lobe have their lateral face flattened. In natural condition the carapace and appendages are entirely covered by a dense and long velvet with clusters of some longer setae on the summit of each prominence; a pair of small clusters indicates a pair of feeble submedian gastric tubercles situated anteriorly to the median and not mentioned in the description given above. (Serène & Lohavanijaya, 1973)

Type locality: Kepulauan Kai, Indonesia, 5°49'15"S, 132°14'15"E, "Challenger" stn 192, 252 m.
Range: Japan - Omae-zaki (Yokoya, 1933), Kii Minabe (Sakai, 1976a); South China Sea (Serène & Lohavanijaya, 1973); Indonesia - Kepulauan Kai (Miers, 1886, Griffin & Tranter, 1986a); 30-250 m.