Stilbognathus cervicornis

(Herbst, 1803)

Posterior angle of eave not produced; rostrum half as long as postrostral carapace length or longer; rostral spines subparallel or incurved; ischium of third maxilliped with anterior margin flat; anterior marginal branchial spine of moderate length; medial lobe on posterior carapace margin with apex blunt, rounded. (Davie 1996)

Type locality: East Indies.
Range: Mozambique Channel (Griffin, 1974); Mauritius (A. Milne Edwards, 1865); Pakistan (Tirmizi & Kazmi, 1991, Kazmi & Tirmizi, 1999); India - Tuticorin; Sri Lanka; Japan - coast of Wakayama (Sakai, 1938a), coast of Wakayama, Kii Minabe and Sakaihama (Sakai, 1976a); Indonesia - Seram (Griffin & Tranter, 1986a); Hawaiian Islands - Honolulu (Rathbun, 1906); 10-30 m.