Nursilia tonsor

Alcock, 1896

Gastric region slightly depressed, with 2 pairs of spinules, at back longitudinal ridge with 3 spines. Palm of cheliped not crested on its outer border. First pleopod of male with 2 branches at the distal portion, unequal in length. Antero-lateral teeth sharp, at back longitudinal ridge with 1 large and 2 small spines. Inner branch of first pleopod bent inwards. (Dai & Yang, 1991)

Type locality: Andaman Sea.
Range: India; Sri Lanka (Alcock, 1896); Andaman Sea (Alcock, 1896); Japan - Strait between Kagoshima and Amami-Oshima (Stimpson, 1907); East China Sea (Takeda & Miyake, 1970a); South China Sea (Chen, 1982); Thailand; Philippines - north of Lubang Island and south of Manila Bay (Serène & Vadon, 1981), north of Lubang, south of Manila Bay and south of Tablas Island (Chen H., 1989); Indonesia - Molo Strait, Waigeo, between Wowoni and Buton, Solor Strait, and Kepulauan Kai (Ihle, 1918); 33-469 m.