Ebalia longispinosa

Ihle, 1918

Carapace hexagonal, slightly broader than long, surface finely granular; armed with 20 prominent serrated spines of which the epibranchial pair is the most long and broad; a pair of metagastric spines, a single cardiac spine and a single intestinal spine flanked on either side by a metabranchial spine; cardiac-intestinal region swollen. Cheliped a little longer than carapace; palm moderately swollen, fingers long and crossed at tip; merus, carpus, and palm bearing a few low serrated or granular spines. Walking legs slender, meri with some small spines on superior border. (Davie 2002)

Type locality: Kepulauan Kai, Indonesia, 5°36.5'S, 132°55.2'E, "Siboga" stn 260, 90 m.
Range: Japan - Tanegashima (Takeda, 1976b); Indonesia - Kepulauan Kai (Ihle, 1918); 90 m.