Lamoha murotoensis

(Sakai, 1979)

Carapace slightly broader than long, anterior dorsal surface with a row of five spines between shoulder spines, with a longitudinal line of strong tubercles on branchial region accompanying the linea homolica; rostrum very deeply bifid. Merus of second to third pereiopods with a row of 19-20 long spines on the anterior margin, posterior upper and lower margins spinulate; carpus, propodus, and dactylus with many soft and long hairs along the anterior margins. Merus of fifth pereiopod with lower border spinulate. (Türkay 1995)

Type locality: Muroto-misaki, Kochi Prefecture, Japan, 200 m.
Range: Dar es Salaam (Guinot & Richer de Forges, 1995); Madagascar - north-west coast (Guinot & Richer de Forges, 1981b, 1995); Seychelles (Guinot & Richer de Forges, 1995); Mascarene Ridge (Guinot & Richer de Forges, 1995); Japan - Muroto-misaki (Sakai, 1977, 1979, Guinot & Richer de Forges, 1981b, 1995); Taiwan - I-Lan County (Guinot & Richer de Forges, 1995); Indonesia - Kepulauan Kai (Guinot & Richer de Forges, 1995); 50-450 m.