Takedromia cristatipes

(Sakai, 1969)

Carapace subquadrangular, wider than long, surface moderately convex, covered with fine granules and sparse tufts of long plumose setae; regions ill-defined and grooves faintly indicated; antero-lateral borders armed with three to four lacinated teeth. Rostrum made of three blunt lobes, the lateral ones much broader than the median one. Upper and outer faces of palm of cheliped granulate, two small tubercles at base of movable finger; fingers strongly downcurved, dactyl granulate. Second and third pereiopods with large distal tubercles on carpi and propodi; upper surface of carpi sulcate, margins granulated; dactyli curved, with five small equal spines on inner margin. Dactyli of fourth and fifth pereiopods each opposed by a single propodal spine. (Türkay 1995)

Type locality: Tosa Bay, Japan.
Range: Japan - Mikawa Bay, Kii Nagashima, Kii Minabe and Tosa Bay (Sakai, 1976a), Kumano-nada (Miyake, 1983); East China Sea - Okinawa Trough (Baba, 1986); Taiwan; Chesterfield Islands (McLay, 1993); New Caledonia (McLay, 1993); Loyalty Islands (McLay, 1993); 48-550 m.