Genus Paeduma

Rathbun, 1897

Eyes small, movable, cornea about as broad as stalk. Third maxillipeds slender, ischium convex mesially, propodus dilated distally, as broad as merus, longer than carpus or dactylus; exopod with flagellum. Pterygostomial region lacking oblique striae. Ambulatory legs short, merus of second pair shorter than carapace. Sternal grooves absent. Apices of male pleopods concealed under abdomen, pleopods slender, recurved posteriorly or doubly recurved into a figure 8, apices apparently naked or nearly so. Male abdomen with third and fourth as well as fifth and sixth segments fused, terminal segment short, subtriangular, rounded apically, not trilobed. (Türkay 1995)

Type species: Amorphopus cylindraceus Bell, 1859, by monotypy.
Gender neuter.

Species treated:
Paeduma orientale (Rathbun, 1909)