Genus Paramedaeus

Guinot, 1967

Carapace surface granular, without vermicular erosions. On the dorsal surface of the carapace regions moderately projecting and area 4M not defined. Ambulatory legs relatively short and broad; merus of P5 about three times longer than broad. Male chelipeds subequal and homomorph (similar), strongly granular. Male abdomen relatively narrow, with a telson subtriangular, being longer than broad at its base. First male pleopod curved, with its extremity slender and ornamented with long setae. (Guinot 1998)

Type species: Medaeus simplex A. Milne Edwards, 1873.

Species treated:
Paramedaeus noelensis (Ward, 1934)
Paramedaeus planifrons (Sakai, 1965)
Paramedaeus simplex (A. Milne Edwards, 1873)