Genus Chorilia

Dana, 1851

Carapace pyriform. Dorsal surface inflated, covered with many small tubercles and a few short spines. Rostral spines long and slender, diverging from the base. Preocular spine prominent, acute. No intercalated spine between supraocular eave and postocular cup. The sinus between supraocular eave and postocular cup V-shaped. Basal antennal article long and narrow, with a proximal spine and another slender one at antero-lateral angle. Chelipeds developed; propodus broad, its upper border sharply cristate. Ambulatory legs elongated, subcylindrical, unarmed; P1 usually the longest. Abdomen with all segments distinct in both sexes. G1 scyriform. (Guinot 1998)

Type species: Chorilia longipes Dana, 1851, by monotypy.

Species treated:
Chorilia longipes japonica (Miers, 1879)