Parthenope validus intermedius

(Miers, 1879)

This form was originally recorded by Miers from the Korean Seas in 1879 and figured in 1886 (Challenger Rept.) on pl. 10, fig. 4; it was represented by rather young specimens. The carapace and chelipeds are less markedly tuberculated, mostly smooth, and the rostrum obtusely triangular in outline. The antero-lateral borders are set with cristate teeth, not much pointed or laciniated. Chelipeds are moderate in length and thickness, surface of merus, carpus and propodus are smooth. The ambulatory legs are depressed and each segment crested on both borders. (Sakai, 1976: 270)

Type locality: Korean Seas.
Range: Japan - Tosa Bay (Sakai, 1976a), Mikawa Isshiki (Muraoka, 1998), off Matsuyama, Seto Inland Sea (Takeda et al., 2000); Korea (Miers, 1879b); Torres Strait (Miers, 1886).