Ocypode ceratophthalma

(Pallas, 1772)

Middle sized to large animals. Eyestalks extended beyond cornea (stylophthalmous). Exorbital corner laterally directed in large specimens. Stridulating ridge on inner surface of palm of major chela composed of about 13-16 distant striae in upper half and 20-30 close set ones in lower half. Small chela with both fingers pointed. Upper half of propodi of second and third pereiopods with a velvet. Male first pleopod slender, its distal part clearly bent laterally, palp with long and slender tip, its distance to pleopod tip slightly more than palp length. Opercle of female genital duct with depressed operculum, vulva-opening oblique with respect to median line of sternum, lateral rims not elevated. (Türkay 1995)

Type locality: unknown
Range: Red Sea (Kossmann, 1877); Somalia (Vannini & Valmori, 1981); Tanzania - Zanzibar (Lenz, 1905), Kilwa and Dar es Salaam (Ortmann, 1894a), Dar es Salaam (Hartnoll, 1975); Mozambique - Delagoa Bay and Chinde (Barnard, 1950); South Africa - Port Elizabeth (Ortmann, 1894b), Natal, Mossel Bay, Port St. Johns, Umkomaas, Scottburgh, Durban (Barnard, 1950), Zululand, Umhlanga Rocks and Port Edward (Jackson et al., 1991); Madagascar - Nosy Bé (Lenz & Richters, 1881), Nosy Bé, Nosy Faly, Majunga, Tuléar, Ile Europa, and Tamatave (Crosnier, 1965); Mauritius (Bouvier, 1915b, Michel, 1964); India - Bombay, Karwar, Kolak and Umarsadi (Chhapgar, 1957); Maldives - Kolumadulu (Rathbun, 1902b); Bay of Bengal; Burma - Maungmagan near Tavoy (Chopra & Das, 1937); Sumatra - Banda Aceh; Christmas Islands (George, 1982); Malacca; Japan - Amami-Oshima (Ortmann, 1894a), Okinawa and Ogasawara-shoto (Stimpson, 1907), Nanki Shirahama (Sakai, 1939), Sagami Bay, Kii Peninsula, Amami-shoto, and Yaeyama-retto (Sakai, 1976a), Ishigaki-jima (Miyake, 1983), Okukubi River, Okinawa (Shokita et al., 1998), Ginowan, Okinawa (Shokita et al., 2000); Taiwan - (Dai & Yang, 1991), Tan-shui, Hsin-chu and Tainan (Sakai, 1939), Chinpaoli, Tach'iuyuan, Tafu, Lu-kang, Wuch'i, Tai-nan, Tan-shui, and Kaohsiung (Lin, 1949), Pu-Din, Pindong County, Mi-Tou and Chi-chin, Kaohsiung County (Huang et al., 1992); China - Hong Kong (Stimpson, 1907, George, 1982), Paracel Island (Chen, 1975), Guangxi, Guangdong including Hainan Island and Paracel Islands, and Fujian (Dai & Yang, 1991); Malay Peninsula - Kelantan and Terengganu (Lanchester, 1902); Philippines - Luzon (Ortmann, 1894a); Sulu Archipelago - Sanguisiapo (Tesch, 1918a); Palau (Takeda & Hayashi, 1973); Indonesia - Noordwachter Island, Ambon and Edam Island (de Man, 1888d), Halmahera Island and Lombok (Rathbun, 1910b), Paternoster Islands, west of Flores, Kepulauan Solor, Makassar, east Borneo, Kepulauan Talaud, Seram, and Kepulauan Kai (Tesch, 1918a); New Britain (Ortmann, 1894a); Australia - Raine Island, north Australia (Miers, 1886), Thursday Island (Ortmann, 1894b); Solomon Islands - Santa Cruz (Takeda & Nunomura, 1976); Vanuatu - (Sendler, 1923), Santo (Takeda & Nunomura, 1976); New Caledonia - Nouméa, Ilot Maitre, Plum, Nepoui, Ile des Pins, Moneo, and Poum (Takeda & Nunomura, 1976); Fiji (Miers, 1886); Hawaiian Islands - Hilo, Kailua, Maui, Honolulu, and Waimea (Rathbun, 1906), Sandwich Island (Dana, 1852, Stimpson, 1907); Line Islands - Palmyra and Tabuaeran (Edmondson, 1923); Tahiti (Stimpson, 1907, Sendler, 1923).