Neosarmatium meinerti

(de Man, 1887)

Side of carapace with one or two antero-lateral teeth (second usually reduced to an angular projection). Dactyl of cheliped armed with small, sharp, chitinous spinules, evenly spaced in a single row, and extending only to about half length of dactyl; vertical granular row on inside of chela strongly developed. Male chela c. 1.7 times longer than high; lower margin evenly convex. (Davie 1996)

Type locality: Mauritius.
Range: Zanzibar (Lenz, 1905); Dar es Salaam (Hartnoll, 1975); South Africa - (Davie, 1994), Durban Bay (Barnard, 1950); Seychelles (Serène, 1977); Aldabra Islands (Haig, 1984); Madagascar - Nosy Bé (Lenz & Richters, 1881, Davie, 1994), Nosy Bé, Majunga, Diégo-Suarez, ile Sainte-Marie and Tamatave (Crosnier, 1965); Mauritius (de Man, 1887a, Ortmann, 1894, Bouvier, 1915b, Michel, 1964, Davie, 1994); India - Madras (Alcock, 1900b); Andaman Islands (Alcock, 1900b); Sumatra - Banda Aceh; Taiwan - (Dai & Yang, 1991), Kaohsiung (Lin, 1949), Ping-tung County (Ng et al., 1997); Philippines (Bürger, 1893); Saipan (Miyake, 1938); Indonesia (de Man, 1895b); Australia - east of Broome, Melville Bay, Rolling Bay, Boucaut Bay, Buckingham Bay, Mornington Island, and MacArthur R. (Davie, 1994).