Sarmatium striaticarpus

Davie, 1992

Outer ventral border of cheliped palm and fixed-finger without a longitudinal ridge. Palm of male cheliped with 4 major transverse grooves on upper outer surface. Dactylus with four strong chitinous tubercles on proximal half. Upper surface of carpus of cheliped with broad patch of c. 25 long, fine, transverse striations between articulation and spine of inner angle. Upper surface of palm with proximal most corrugated ridge separated from next broad groove by a triangular space. First proximal tooth on dactyl of cheliped placed almost on edge of proximal end. Maximum size c. 25 mm. (Davie 1996)

Type locality: Johore Straits.
Range: Singapore - (Tweedie, 1936, Serène & Soh, 1971), Johore Straits (Davie, 1992); Japan - Ishigaki-jima and Iriomote-jima (Sakai, 1976a); Philippines - Iloilo, Panay Island (Davie, 1992).