Tetrias fischeri

(A. Milne Edwards, 1867)

Carapace and appendages everywhere covered by a close adherent coat of short setae. The regions of the carapace are fairly well indicated and its dorsal surface is closely and finely granular, except in the middle where also the seta is somewhat deficient. Deflexed edge of the carpus and the inner and distal edges of the large spatulate dactylus of the third maxillipeds are fringed with a close row of setae of extraordinary length. Male P1 much more massive than P2-5, and about 1 1/2 times the length of the carapace: their movements are somewhat restricted. There are some spinules at the inner angle of the carpus, and numerous rows of granules – the lowermost row rather acute –- on the numerous rows of granules – the lowermost row rather acute – on the outer surface of the palm: the fingers, which are shorter than the palm, are stumpy but sharp-pointed. P2-4 coarse and are all about 1 1/2 times the length of the carapace, though the P3 very slightly the longest. P4 very short – not two thirds the length of the carapace – and are much slenderer than the others. All the legs have a shaggy posterior border, and all end in small hooked dactyli. The posterior border of the merus of P5 armed with small coarse spines. Male abdomen is narrow and consists of 7 segments: the first two segments are very short, the 3rd, 4th, and 5th gradually increase in length and slightly decrease in breadth, the 6th is a little shorter than the 5th, and the 7th is long and spatulate and encroaches on the buccal cavern. (Alcock, 1900b: 336)

Type locality: New Caledonia.
Range: Andaman Islands (Alcock, 1900b); Japan - Misaki (Serène, 1964), Sagami Bay (Sakai, 1965b, 1976), Ogasawara-shoto (Takeda, 1977a); Indonesia - Ambon (de Man, 1888d, Tesch, 1918b); New Caledonia (A. Milne Edwards, 1867, 1873a); Gilbert Islands (Balss, 1938a).