Hexaplax megalops

Doflein, 1904

Monotypic genus, diagnosis repeated:
Eyes large, hammer-shaped, cornea much broader than stalk. Third maxilliped with broad ischium and merus, mesial margin of ischium concave proximally, convex distally, carpus, propodus and dactylus slender, dactylus longer than propodus; exopod with flagellum. Ambulatory legs slender, elongate, merus of third pair 1.5 times as long as carapace. Apices of male pleopods concealed under abdomen, pleopods straight or faintly sinuous, tapering to slender apex, directed anteriorly, with few minute subdistal spinules. Male abdomen with six visible segments, third to fifth fused, but distinct, terminal segment triangular, rounded distally. (Türkay 1995)

Type locality: south of Nias, 470 m.
Range: south of Nias (Doflein, 1904); Japan - Tosa Bay (Sakai, 1965c, 1976); Gulf of Thailand (Rathbun, 1910a); Philippines - Mindanao (Serène, 1964); Indonesia - north of Bali and Salayar Island (Tesch, 1918b); 150-550 m.