Typhlocarcinops decrescens

Rathbun, 1914

The carapace is transversely sub-quadrilateral and the lateral borders are markedly convex in the anterior half, but somewhat constricted in the posterior portion; the carapace, therefore, looks a little broader than it really is. The junction of the antero- and postero-lateral borders is prolonged into a lobule, which is produced postero-laterally and also downwards. (Sakai, 1965)

Type locality: Sulu Sea, Philippines.
Range: Japan - north off Tsushima (Takeda, 1973c), Sagami Bay (Sakai, 1965b, 1976); East China Sea (Takeda & Miyake, 1968c); Sulu Sea (Rathbun, 1914d); 50-85 m.